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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

High School Football...More Dangerous than we thought?

Redmond, California -- Pete Stenhoff is a 16-year-old student who played football at Chula Vista High School.  He used to be able to live life to the fullest, until one day when he was playing football.  Pete Stenhoff was a physically fit, 210-pound linebacker here when he planted his helmet in the chest of a ball carrier two years ago.  He hasn’t walked since.  Medics that night rushed Stenhoff to the hospital, where he learned he had cracked vertebrae.

 Not that it is much comfort, but he is not alone.  “Stenhoff is one of 20,000 youths who are injured playing high school football each year. Like Stenhoff, nearly 2,400 are permanently disabled. But he is luckier than some; 13 youths died last year as a result of their injuries on the football field.”
Stenhoff lost thirty eight pounds and was unable to graduate on time with his classmates.  At the end of the day, he is not bitter, he said, “but I wish I would have known just how bad it could be.” 

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