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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

School Board Debate

The past Tuesday night, the School Board candidates headed to the Lenoir Retirement Community Center and debated ideas concerning year-round schooling, trailer classroom construction, and unionizing.  
            Board President Elton Fay disagreed and said, “What Mr. Lane fails to tell you is that if we are to avoid erecting additional buildings, to save on construction costs, the cost of educating our children would go up substantially.”

            Another candidate Larry Dorman, said, “as a board member, I would focus on eliminating overcrowding in the schools and increasing teacher pay.”  When schools have smaller class sizes, the students tend to be more successful and obtain a better education.
          Board member Kerry Corino said, “the increasing population makes it difficult to counteract large class sizes.”  A possible solution could be to redistrict some students.
            Private schools have advantages here because they are able to turn away students, while public schools cannot.
            Lastly, teacher unionization was questioned and immediately declined because of state laws. 

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